Most of May, and April I suppose, I was busy trying to get my new comic done in time for VanCAF. I did get it done but just barely. I was running around copying it, and making copying screw ups the day before the show. I have been making zines for 30 years, you would think I would have the process down by now. The new comic is Questing, and I also printed up my latest issue of Vinegar. Number 40!
Here are drawings I did of the Questing characters, so that I could stop flipping back to some pages from last year in my sketchbook.
VanCAF was a delight, as always. I was lucky this year to be in the front hall rather than the gym, which tends to get pretty hot. My table neighbour was Bria, who was great to sit by. As well as being a well run show, the people showing tend to be great too. I have sat next to many wonderful folks over the years. My Bird Comics continue to be a hot seller.
For the second time, we had a comic jam in conjunction with VanCAF. It was an awesome time, good turnout. Not quite as crazy amount of pages produced as last year, but still 60+.
Another fun aspect of the VanCAF weekend was that my old pal Jesse came to town for a visit. It felt like a good time for him to come by, he could see what an awesome show VanCAF is, experience the Vancouver Comic Jam, and then have a few days to hang out afterwards. We had such a grand time, many ridiculous ongoing routines. One of those friends where even if I have only seen him twice in the past 15 years, when we get together it is like we were just hanging out yesterday. It was so much fun. I may have a whole Vinegar issue’s worth of material from our six days together.