VanCAF, Questing and so forth

Most of May, and April I suppose, I was busy trying to get my new comic done in time for VanCAF. I did get it done but just barely. I was running around copying it, and making copying screw ups the day before the show. I have been making zines for 30 years, you would think I would have the process down by now. The new comic is Questing, and I also printed up my latest issue of Vinegar. Number 40!

Questing Cover

Vinegar 40 Cover

Here are drawings I did of the Questing characters, so that I could stop flipping back to some pages from last year in my sketchbook.

Questing Characters

VanCAF was a delight, as always. I was lucky this year to be in the front hall rather than the gym, which tends to get pretty hot. My table neighbour was Bria, who was great to sit by. As well as being a well run show, the people showing tend to be great too. I have sat next to many wonderful folks over the years. My Bird Comics continue to be a hot seller.

My VanCAF Table

For the second time, we had a comic jam in conjunction with VanCAF. It was an awesome time, good turnout. Not quite as crazy amount of pages produced as last year, but still 60+.

VanCAF Jam Chalkboard

VanCAF Jam 2

Another fun aspect of the VanCAF weekend was that my old pal Jesse came to town for a visit. It felt like a good time for him to come by, he could see what an awesome show VanCAF is, experience the Vancouver Comic Jam, and then have a few days to hang out afterwards. We had such a grand time, many ridiculous ongoing routines. One of those friends where even if I have only seen him twice in the past 15 years, when we get together it is like we were just hanging out yesterday. It was so much fun. I may have a whole Vinegar issue’s worth of material from our six days together.

Dudes Chilling

Permanent Vacation

Doctor Pineapple

Twin Peaks Roundup

Since Twin Peaks ended it is tempting to just watch/read endless interpretations of what was going on, especially the last episode. I like that the show is open and mysterious enough that people can project many different ideas onto it.

I don’t really have any profound thoughts on it all at this point, and as I heard David Lynch say in an interview, what’s important is what it means to YOU when you watch it. One thing that I read that I thought was interesting was that since it is 25 years later and the actors are all older, it gives a certain weight to it. The characters have had lives since we last saw them. Anyways, it was such a joy to have this show to watch all summer.

I have been working on material for a new issue of Vinegar. This will be issue 40! Here are a few pages I drew about my experience of watching the new Twin Peaks.

Twin Peaks Summer

Twin Peaks - Death of the Log Lady

The End of Twin Peaks

Smoke Days

I am working on a new issue of Vinegar, drawing little stories and things from the summer. Back in August there was a week where smoke from the forest fires blew over the city and I drew this comic about it. Yesterday as I worked on it, I happened to be listening to a WTF podcast where the guest was Al Gore. At one point in the conversation Marc Maron was exasperated asking what it would take for people to accept that climate change is real and we need to do something about it. Which just happened to come up in this comic, so I thought I would post it here.

Smoke Days 1

Smoke Days 2

Smoke Days 3

I need to do a post about Twin Peaks ending, but I have a couple of other comics I need to finish first. And maybe a drawing. In the mean time, here is a comic of David Lynch, with dialogue taken from the documentary Lynch 01, made while he was working on Inland Empire.

Lynch 01

New Stuff

This weekend, May 20 and 21, is VanCAF. It is the only show I am lined up to do this year so far. Here is a map to where I will be.

I am very excited to be bringing my new full colour book Fir Valley. I have one next to my computer here, on a stand. It is beautiful.

I will also have two brand new minis, Vinegar 39 and Bird Comics 4.


Additionally on Saturday, we will be having a special VanCAF edition of the Vancouver Comic Jam, which will be an awesome time.

And furthermore, I will be on a panel on Sunday about Building a Comics Community.

On top of that, the new Twin Peaks starts this weekend. Holy moley.